Autumn Term 2024
Dear Parents and Carers
Welcome to the first newsletter of the new academic year! It has been lovely to see the children returning to school after their long Summer break and it was lovely to welcome all our new Reception children today. Next week, our Nursery children will begin with us and we very much look forward to that. We hope all your children have enjoyed getting to know their new teachers, catching up with their friends and starting to make new ones.
Every two weeks we will publish a newsletter - usually on a Friday - to keep you informed of any important dates and to share some of the exciting events that take place at our school. We try and give as much information as possible in the newsletter so that we can reduce the amount of separate letters. Parents have told us that they would find that helpful.
Please take a few moments to have a read through and note the dates of any events that are relevant to you or your child.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs Arnold
Uniform Policy
General Uniform
All children are required to wear full uniform and this includes sturdy, black school shoes – trainers/pumps are not permitted. Children may wear either the Summer or Winter uniform up until October half term. After half term, all children must wear the Winter uniform.
If you need to purchase school ties, please do so through Arbor, our online payment system and we will facilitate giving these to the children in class. If you are new to the school and do not yet have Arbor please contact the School Office.
Hair that is shoulder length or longer should be tied back and beads in hair should not be worn.
PE Uniform
Children from Years 1-6 are now permitted to wear a PE uniform for school on their identified PE day.
We do expect parents and children to adhere to the uniform requirements.
PE sweatshirt - this can either be embroidered with the school logo or plain navy but it must be a sweatshirt and not a hoody of any kind. There should not be a zip or a hood. This is for health and safety reasons.
PE bottoms - either jogging bottoms, leggings or PE shorts can be worn, these must be plain navy without any writing or logos.
Footwear - Trainers should be plain white or black and should be a sports trainer not a fashion trainer as children will be taking part in both indoor and outdoor PE sessions. Hi-tops are not permitted as they do not allow the freedom of movement needed during the wide range of PE opportunities.
Children should not be wearing sparkly, coloured, shiny trainers.
Jewellery - Please can we remind parents that earrings cannot be worn for PE sessions and should either be removed before school or the child must remove them before the session. If your child is removing their own earrings please send in a small box or bag for your child to keep their earrings clean and safe. School staff are unable to remove earrings for children nor can staff apply plasters over earrings.
Children do still have the option to wear their normal school uniform on PE days and can then change into their PE kit before the PE session.
PE/Swimming/Music Tuition Timetable
Please see the timetable below for your child's PE/Swimming/Music tuition days:
Class Dojo
Thank you to all parents who have signed up for Class Dojo - we are hoping you have already started to see the benefits of knowing where your child is being awarded positive points. Now that we are all more familiar with the system, we will be starting to share information/messages/photos of work on the class stories.
Please note - Class Dojo is not a forum to send messages to staff. Teachers will not see your messages as this function is disabled. Please follow the usual procedures for contacting school either by contacting the Office by phone or using the postbox email. We will ensure the right person gets back to you as soon as they can.
Parents with children who are new to our school will receive further information shortly about how to sign up for the Dojo App and relevant QR code.
Reception Baseline Assessment
If you have a child starting in Reception this year, they will be participating in the reception baseline assessment (RBA) within the first 6 weeks of starting. The purpose of the assessment is to provide the starting point for a progress measure that will help parents understand how well schools support their pupils to progress between reception and year 6.
A Guide for Parents explaining this in more detail can be found on the following link
Asda Rewards Cashpot for Schools
You may be aware of the ‘Asda Rewards Cashpot for Schools’ campaign and we are pleased to say we have signed up to this to collect funds for our school which will be spent on resources for your children. Please could we ask any parent who shops at Asda and uses the Asda Rewards App to select our school. There are no cost implications to yourself and instead Asda will donate a percentage of your shopping bill to school.
Safety whilst on school site
Please can we remind all parents to keep their children close by them when arriving/leaving school to avoid children being accidentally knocked by others or becoming separated and lost. Please avoid walking across the car park wherever possible and if necessary, please follow the pathway by the building and again, keep children close by.
Children should not be bringing their own footballs into school and children are not permitted to play football on our site before or after school.
We are a non smoking site - this includes vapes.
Dogs are not permitted on site.
Mobile phones should not be used on site. Staff will remind you to keep these out of site - please do not question them, this is their job and this is part of our Safeguarding procedures.
Dates for your diary
Monday 9 September - Nursery Welcome Sessions
Tuesday 10 September - Nursery Welcome Sessions
Wednesday 11 September - Nursery Children start
Thursday 12 September - Visit from the Animal Man
Tuesday 17 September - Year 6 History Workshop - Tudors
Wednesday 18 September - 6:00pm - Secondary Transfer Parent Meeting
Monday 23 September - 9:00am - Reception Parents Phonics Workshop
Year 4 History Workshop - Egyptians
Thursday 26 September - 4:30pm - 5:30pm - Back to School Disco (Y3/4)
6:00pm - 7:00pm - Back to School Disco (Y5/6)
Friday 27 September - 9:00am - MacMillan Coffee Morning
Wednesday 2 October - Rags2Riches collection
9:00 - SEND Coffee Morning
3:30pm - Music Tuition Parents Meeting
Wednesday 9 October - 9:00am - Year 1 Parent Phonics Workshop
5:00pm - End of Reception Expectations
meeting for parents
Monday 14 October - 4:00pm - 6:20pm - Parent Consultation Evening
Tuesday 15 October - Flu Vaccinations Reception to Year 6
Wednesday 16 October - 3:40pm - 5:40pm - Parent Consultation Evening
Monday 21 October - Harvest Donations
Friday 25 October - 9:15am - Year 1 Harvest Presentation
Break up for Half Term
October Half Term: Monday 28th October 2024 - Friday 1st November 2024
Monday 4 November - School Re-opens
Thursday 7 November - Year 5 visit to the Space Centre
Monday 11 November - Anti Bullying Week
Nursery Rhyme Week
11:00am - Remembrance Assemblies
2:30pm - Parents Anti-Bullying Workshop
Tuesday 12 November - Nursery - Dress up as a Nursery Character Day
Friday 15 November - Children in Need Day
Monday 18 November - Year 6 Bikeability this week
Tuesday 19 November - Photographer for individuals
Wednesday 20 November - Photographer for siblings
Thursday 21 November - Flu Vaccinations catch up session R-Y6
Friday 22 November - Christmas Fayre Donation Day
Wednesday 27 November - Photographer re-takes
Thursday 28 November - Year 1 trip to Sudbury Hall
Friday 6 December - Christmas Fayre
Thursday 12 December - 2:30pm - Reception Production
Friday 13 December - 9:30am - Reception Production
Wednesday 18 December - Christmas Dinner Day
Wear a Christmas jumper/item
Friday 20 December - 9:30am - Year 5 Christmas Carol Service
Break up for Christmas
Christmas Break: Monday 23 December 2024 - Friday 3 January 2025
Term Dates for Next Year
Please avoid booking holidays in term time. We are unable to authorise holidays and they do incur a Fixed Penalty Notice which is now £80 per child per parent.
Community Events and Family Support
Message from Walsall Family Support Information Services
Calling all parents!
We are moving!
Walsall FIS is moving to our new and exciting Family Hubs website where you will be able to find information for you and your family from pregnancy, to home learning to childcare options for you and your child.
Childcare in Walsall is expanding… You can find all your childcare needs on our NEW Family Hub website here:
EPEC Events
Flyers and links to free parenting courses in the Walsall Community