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Wider Curriculum Events
Throughout the school year, children have numerous opportunities to enhance their learning.

Secondary Transfer Meeting - 18.9.24
Thank you to parents for attending our Y6 Secondary Transfer meeting last week. We hope you gained some useful information and were able...

Y6 History Workshop - Tudors
On Tuesday, year 6 had a special visitor: King Henry VIII. The children learned about his life and life in the Tudor times. They learned...

TT Rockstars Day
On Friday 2nd February, the whole school took part in Numbers/TTRockstars Day. Pupils in Reception - Year 6 attended an assembly during...

Y4, 5 and 6 Football
In Year 4, 5 and 6 boys football club this term, the children have practised their co-operation and teamwork skills by working with other...

Partnership Newsletter - December 2023
Please click on the following link for our Trust Partnership Newsletter for December 2023

Games and Quizzes Club - Autumn 2023
Our Games and Quizzes Club takes place on a Tuesday after school and is open to all KS2 children. Children have had opportunities to play...

Art Club - Autumn Term
In Year 5 and Year 6 Art and Design club this term, children have been exploring ‘Seasonal Art’. Using the skills taught in the Year 5...

KS2 Coding Club
This term in coding club we have had lots of fun practising our coding and computer skills! We have used the programme Purple Mash to...

KS1 Dance Club - Autumn 2023
The children in KS1 Dance Club have talked about a range of different dance styles and explored how we can move to a range of fast and...

KS2 Film Club - Autumn 2023
In film club this term, we have been focusing on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, the old...

KS2 Netball Club - Autumn 2023
The children have thoroughly enjoyed Netball this term. They have learned the skills needed to pass a ball using a bounce and chest pass....

Art and Design Club - KS1
Our KS1 Art Club have been meeting on a Tuesday after school and working with Miss Wright and Mrs Morrissey. So far, they have: -...

Year 5 Space Projects
In the lead up to our new Y5 Topic about Space, children were given the challenge of learning all about space and our solar system...

Year 5 Visit to the Space Centre
Year 5 had a brilliant day at the Space Centre on Thursday 9th November and the behaviour of our children was exemplary even though the...

Winners of the 3 Rs Prize Draw - October 2023
Each half term, the names of all pupils who have completed their achievement books and been noticed for displaying the 3 Rs - Respect,...

Year 1 Harvest Presentation - October 2023
Our Year 1 pupils have given their Harvest Presentation to parents today. They sang beautifully, sharing some familiar songs such as...
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