Walsall Family Hubs
A Family Hub provides a place where children, young people and their families can go to get advice and support when they need it.
There are four family hubs in the heart of local communities across Walsall.
The people working in the Family Hub will be able to offer a safe space to talk, give you information or advice and help you to find and get support from different services in the area.
They are also working with the voluntary and community sector to identify opportunities to offer support and services from other buildings in your community. These will be known as spokes.
What Services are available in the Family Hub?
A range of services are provided from within the Family Hub, for example:
Benefits & Financial Support
Child Development
Early Help & Children’s Social Care
Employment & Training
Infant Feeding Support
Midwives & Health Visiting
Speech & Language
Stay & Plays
Parenting Support
Volunteering Opportunities
How do I get help from a Family Hub?
Getting help from a Family Hub is simple. You can walk in, telephone or a professional can refer you.
Tel: 01922 654589
E-mail: walsallfamilyhub@nhs.net
Opening times are Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5pm.
Where is my nearest Family Hub?
North Family Hub
Address: 275 Blakenall Lane, Blakenall, Walsall WS3 1HJ
Telephone: 01922 654589
Opening times: Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
West Family Hub
Address: Ilmington House, Crescent Road, Wednesbury, WS10 8AE
Telephone: 01922 652959
Opening times: Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
South and Central Family Hub
Address: Birchills Street, Walsall, WS2 8N
Telephone: 01922 654545
Opening times: Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
East Family Hub
Address: Silver Court, Walsall, WS8 6HA
Telephone: 01922 658300
Opening times: Monday to Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm
What's on for families?
​There are a wide range of activities available to take part in.
Find out more about activities by clicking here.
​HAF Programme
What is the Holiday Activity and Food programme (HAF)?
HAF is a free programme for children and young people organised by the Council. It runs over Easter, Summer and Christmas school holidays.
Your child is eligible if they are:
aged 5 to 16
eligible for benefit-related free school meals
The Department for Education (DfE) funds the HAF programme.
The Local Council works with providers to develop an exciting and enriching programme of activities. These include schools, local voluntary and community groups, childcare providers and local businesses.
Programme aims
We want children who attend this provision to:
eat healthily over the school holidays
be active during the school holidays - take part in activities which support their development and wider educational attainment
be safe and not to be socially isolated
have a greater knowledge of health and nutrition
be more engaged with school and other local services
We also want to ensure that the families who take part in this programme:
develop their understanding of nutrition and food budgeting
are signposted towards other information and support, for example, health, employment, and education
How to register for the HAF programme
You can register throughout the year.
Before each delivery, the Local Authority will send a letter to your home address with a unique code and information about how to register. You can fond out more about this programme and how to register by following this link Register for HAF 2024 | Walsall Council
You only need to register once for the 2024-2025 programme, and you can access your account throughout the year.