Summer Term 2024
Dear parents and carers
Please can I draw your attention to our school website as a great source of information - particularly for policies, information for parents about key dates and the curriculum for your children. Within our Curriculum area, there are Curriculum Information pages which outline what children cover in each subject, in each year group in each half term as well as ideas to help your child at home.
These are definitely worth a visit - Curriculum Overviews/Information | Pheasey Park Farm (
We are always really interested in children's talents and hobbies outside school. If your child has a passion for dance, art, music or sport of any kind then please let us know. We love to hear about children entering sports competitions. music events, dance festivals for example and it is important that we are able to share these proud moments with classmates - especially in Congratulations assemblies.
We hope you have a lovely Bank Holiday with your families and friends. Hopefully we will get some respite from the drizzle and some bright, sunny spells to enjoy the outdoors.
Mrs Arnold
Year 3 Trip to Dudley Zoo
Year 3 children had a very enjoyable day on their recent visit to Dudley Zoo.
The children participated in a 'food chains' workshop and also fed the meerkats. The children explored the zoo and saw many different animals.
This visit links to our 'Animals including Humans' topic in Science. The children were very well behaved and the zookeeper we worked with commented on their excellent behaviour.
Miss Hollick - Y3 Year Leader
How lovely to hear - well done Year 3 and we are glad you had a fantastic day!
Reading and Boom reader
Reading is hugely important as it is the doorway to learning. At school we begin by focusing on the teaching of phonics and develop blending skills and sight vocabulary so that most children are able to read fluently. This means they are able to enjoy reading and it’s benefits as they grow. Research tells us that children who read are more likely to be happier, healthier and experience better mental wellbeing and self-esteem. They feel more secure and develop deep bonds with family members when sharing and reading books together. Therefore, throughout school we are promoting the use of the app called BoomReader which is where you can quickly log any of the reading your child does at home.
Please could we remind all parents to activate their child's BoomReader account and record each time your child reads at home - whether it is a school book or a book at home. If you need any support with this or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.   Â
These children have received certificates for being Reading Heroes because they are some of the children who read at home with an adult last week. We continue to give out Reading Hero certificates each week when the class teacher notices something on BoomReader that your child is improving with.
Learning about the Seaside in Nursery
Nursery children have been exploring their Seaside Artefacts Box from our library service to find out more about the seaside. They worked hard to find out new things and were able to talk to their friends about it - taking turns and listening to each other.Â
Safety after school
We are seeing an increase in the numbers of children playing on the gazebo, the banks by the KS2 playground and on outdoor equipment. Please could you ensure your child is not playing on/in these areas before or after school - we do not want any accidents as a result of children running up and down banks and we are finding that outdoor equipment is becoming damaged.
We are also seeing some of our older pupils who walk home alone are not showing awareness around road safety when they are out of sight of the school gates. Both Raeburn Road and Wimperis Way get very busy at arrival and dismissal times and we are anxious that children continue their way home in a calm and safe way. If your child does walk home alone, please could you remind them of road safety and the expectations around behaviour.
Price of swimming hats
Due to an increase in price from our supplier of swimming hats, we are having to increase the price we sell them up to £3.00.
Message from West Midlands Police
Dates for this half term
Monday 6 May-                   Bank Holiday – school closed
Tuesday 7 May - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Y4 Residential to Whitemoor Lakes (2 days)
                                 Reception visits from Fire Service
Monday 13 May -                Year 6 SATs week
                               Photographer in for Y6 Photo – full winter uniform for all children
Tuesday 14 May -             2:45pm – Y1 Phonics screening meeting for Y1 parents
Friday 17 May - Pyjamarama Day
Monday 20 May - Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Y2 End of KS1 Assessment week
Tuesday 21 May -                1:45pm – Y4 Production
Wednesday 22 May -           6:30pm – Y4 Production
Friday 24 May -Â Rags2Riches collection
                                 Break up for Whitsun
Wear a green item for Mental Health
Eco Afternoon
Whitsun Half Term: Monday 27th May – Friday 31st May 2024
School starts back after Whitsun on Monday 3 June 2024
Please also note that Friday 21st June is an Training Day and school will be closed to pupils.
Community Events and Family Support
Parents and carers might like to know that some art classes are starting at Beacon Church in the next few weeks. They are classes for children interested in fine art, rather than crafts. It is not run directly by the church but they would like to support Rachel who is running the classes.
HAF Programme
How to register onto HAF
Please clock on the following link for step by step guide to accessing HAF activities