Spring Term 2025

Dear Parents and Carers
Busy times ahead in school as we welcome February this week and hopefully the start of Spring!
We have quite a few events coming up in school over the next couple of weeks including our annual Dance Festival, parents/carers consultation evenings and our Year 6 Residential. Please take a minute to look at the dates for your diaries towards the end of this blog and also please check texts when they come through as that's the best way to give reminders so that you don't end up missing anything.
Mrs Arnold      Â
Football - Kids Cup

The Year 5/6 boys football team went to Bescot Stadium to play in the Kids Cup semi-final against Cooper and Jordan.
After going down 1-0 the boys pulled it back and won the game 2-1 which took us through to the final.
Unfortunately we lost 2-0 but the boys played really well to the end and enjoyed the afternoon.Â
Online Safety
Internet Matters
Internet Matters supports parents and professionals with comprehensive resources and expert guidance to help them navigate the ever-changing world of child internet safety
There is also a digital toolkit, which gives tailored advice, particularly for parents who may not be up-to-date with what different apps are and how they might be used:
Screen time
Know the risks, and what you can do to help keep your child safe.
School Council Visit to the Mayor's Parlour

Our school councillors had a wonderful experience visiting the Mayor of Walsall. Children learnt about the history of the Walsall Council House and Walsall Mayors. The Mayor also announced our results for our recent council elections for roles within the council. Well done to our Chair Simreet, our Vice Chair Annie, our Treasurer Noelle and our Secretary Ariana. The Mayor also presented the children with a stationary pack each and a teddy bear to display in school as a reminder of this exciting opportunity.Â
Mrs Price
The dangers of Washing pods and capsules
While washing pods and capsules can make doing the laundry much easier, they can do serious damage to children’s insides, skin and eyes if they burst them or bite into them.
We have been asked to share a brand-new information page on the link below explaining the risks and the simple things we can all do to keep children safe.
Numbers day
On Friday 7th February, pupils throughout the school will be participating in Numbers Day. The purpose of this nationally celebrated event is to really get pupils thinking about and immersed in maths. In addition to their daily maths lesson, pupils will engage in an afternoon of mathematical activities and will attend a maths themed assembly, during which the importance of maths, the possibilities that the subject opens up to them for their future careers and what it means to be a mathematician, will be discussed.
Pupils in Years 2, 3, 5 and 6 will take part in a year group 'Battle of the Bands' on TTRockstars that will run from Monday 3rd - Thursday 6th February; winning classes will be announced in the weekly key stage Congratulations assemblies, while our Year 4 pupils will be taking part in a 'Top of the Rocks' battle between all Year 4 pupils in Elston Hall Learning Trust. It is hoped that that Numbers Day will be enjoyed by all staff and pupils.
Thank you for your generosity with donations for our Rags2Riches collection - we raised £50.48 for the school! Thank you to our Eco Warriors and Miss Colman for organising and helping with the collections!
ASDA Cashpot

Congratulations and thankyou! In the Asda Rewards app, Pheasey Park Farm Primary School and Early Years Centre raised £1,622.23. This money will be spent directly on resources for the children across the school.
Thank you again!
Dates for your diary for Spring Term
Monday 3 February Children's Mental Health Awareness Week
Year 3 Pedestrian Training this week
Wednesday 5 February Year 6 residential to Laches Wood
Monday 10 February  4:00pm - 6:20pm - Parent Consultation Evening
Tuesday 11 February Safer Internet Day
Wednesday 12 February 3:40pm - 5:40pm - Parent Consultation Evening
Thursday 13 February Dance Festival
Friday 14 February Break up for half term
February Half Term: Monday 17 February 2025 - Friday 21 February 2025
NB - Monday 24th February is an Inset Day - school is closed to pupils
Tuesday 25 February School reopens for pupils
Wednesday 26 February 9:00am - SEND Coffee Morning
Monday 3 March 1:30pm - Online pupil/parent workshops for Y6
Wednesday 5 March Class 3DR            9:30am – 10:30am
Class 3CH            11:00am – 12:00pm
Class 3AR            2:00pm – 3:00pm
Thursday 6 March World Book Day
Monday 10 March Year 1 Scootability this week
Wednesday 12 March Class Photographs
Monday 17 March 5:00pm - Year 4 Residential meeting for parents
Friday 21 March Comic Relief/Red Nose Day
Wednesday 2 April 2:00pm - Year 6 Relationships workshop
Thursday 3 April School Easter Disco (4:30pm Y3/4, 6:00pm - Y5/6)
Friday 4 April 9:30am/2:30pm - Nursery Productions
Tuesday 8 April 9:15am/1:45pm - Nursery/Rec Easter Bonnet Parade
Friday 11 April 9:30 - Year 3 Easter Service at Beacon Church
Break up for Easter
Easter Break: Monday 14 April 2025 - Friday 25 April 2025
Please note that the following days are INSET days and school is closed for children:
Monday 24 February 2025
Monday 2 June 2025
Monday 21 July 2025
Community Events and Family Support
