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School News - 25th October 2024

Updated: Oct 30, 2024

Autumn Term 2024


Dear Parents and Carers

Today brings us to the end of a very busy and very long half term!! The children have been working extremely hard in school and they have well and truly earned their half term break.

We would like to thank parents for their support and for the lovely comments we have had following the Year 1 Harvest Presentation this morning. Thank you for all your donations of food items particularly in this current climate where we know that times are hard and we are all seeing an increased cost of living. All items donated will be taken to our local foodbank and will help many families.

Thank you also for your donations of toys, games, dolls, football boots - we are still happy to accept more if you are having a clear out over the half term!

Please can I outline our procedures around parents requesting to see or speak to staff as well as our policy around parent conduct. We have seen an increase in parents demanding to meet with staff immediately or demanding a response to emails immediately - sometimes late at night or even at weekends - and this is just not possible nor is it the expectation. If you need to speak to a member of staff or need to arrange a meeting, please contact our School Office who will organise this with the appropriate person at a time that is mutually convenient.

Unfortunately, we have seen parents refusing to leave the premises and we have also witnessed parents and carers becoming abusive towards staff - this has included rudeness, shouting at and intimidation towards members of staff. None of our staff come to school each day to be verbally abused and this will not be tolerated. Our Parent Code of Conduct can be found on the following link:

We all want the best for each and every child and it is important that we work together in the best interests of the children.

We hope you have a lovely half term break - however you are spending it. We look forward to seeing the children again when we return on Monday 4th November.


Mrs Arnold


Year 1 Harvest Presentation

Our Year 1 children gave a lovely Harvest presentation this morning. The children really enjoyed singing and speaking and showed their increased independence. It was lovely to see how much parents enjoyed this too and how many of you came along. Thank you


Harvest Donations


Look at all these donations!!

Thank you to all families who were able to donate even just one item - this will make such a difference to families in need.

Later on today, Mrs Colman and Miss Colman will deliver all these items to the Thomas Project which is part of the Black Country Food Bank.

Thank you for your generosity.

Prize draw for the children demonstrating our 3 Rs - Respect, Responsibility and Readiness to Learn

Children who demonstrate these important aspects of school life are awarded house points in school. Children collect these in their Achievement Books which they try to fill up. Once an Achievement Book is completed, children visit Senior Leadership for congratulating, choose a prize, have a new book and their name goes into a half termly prize draw.

The winners of the prize draw this half term are...

Year 1 - Iosla in 1NS

Year 2 - Seb in 2HF

Year 3 - Kyla Mae in 3CH

Year 4 - Yordan in 4AF

Year 5 - Josette in 5KP

Year 6 - Evie Rose in 6SB

Thank you to Mrs Mallon for taking time away from her busy duties to draw out the winning names!


Big Book Swap

Thank you so much to all the parents that attended the Pheasey Park Farm 

Big Book Swap. 

Also thank you for your book donations - your generosity means that we can run these events!

We look forward to lots more swapping at the next event on Thursday 7th November before school in the KS1 playground - weather permitting!

Also a big thank you to our Reading Ambassadors who have been helping us out. You are stars!


Workshops at the Walsall Arena and Arts Centre

If you have a child who loves performing and dancing and is between the ages of 6yrs to 11 yrs - check out these two workshops being held at the Walsall Arena and Arts Centre:


A few reminders!

Winter Uniform - All children should be in Winter uniform after half term (except on PE days for Y1-6).

After School Sports clubs - Children should be wearing their PE kit for this please. Before school clubs are different as we do not want children getting wet and remaining in wet PE kits during the day if it happens to be their PE day.

Dinner money - Please could all parents in Y3 - 6 check their child's Arbor account and clear any amount still owing.  If you are experiencing any difficulties making payment, please contact the School Office to discuss a payment plan.

Year 5/6 Online Safety workshop - We are committed to teaching our children the importance of protecting themselves and others from online harms and risks. Children in Year 5 and Year 6 will take part in a workshop led by Patrick Flynn, who is an Online Safety Specialist, on Wednesday 6th November 2024. The workshop will cover topics of social media and misinformation online. We encourage you have to discussions with your child after the workshop regarding online safety and the topics they covered.

Nursery Rhyme Day - is Monday 11 November not Tuesday 12th November as previously advertised. A separate letter has come out regarding this. We would love for children in Nursery and Reception to dress up as a Nursery Rhyme Character that day.


Junior Safety Officers - JSOs

Our Junior Safety Officers have been busy this half term. They tour our site with Miss Matthews and Mr Jackson our Site Manager and check that our environment is safe for all pupils.

They noticed that bags and coats were put on pegs nicely in KS1, and in the lockers correctly in KS2, and none were on the floor causing trip hazards. Overall, they felt the school was really tidy and well organised with any potential hazards being minimal, so thank you for this JSOs and for keeping our areas safe within school!


Hello Yellow

We celebrated Hello Yellow Day on Thursday,10th October 2024 as part of our recognition of World Mental Health Day.  On this day, staff and children wore a yellow item and paid a £1 donation.


We hope that by wearing yellow, we made the day a little bit brighter whilst raising funds for 'Young Minds', a charity which supports young people who are struggling with their mental health.

We raised £375.73 - all of which will be donated to Young Minds. Thank you on behalf of the Charity.


Year 3 and Year 4 Football

On Monday afternoon a selection of Year 3/4 boys went to Streetly School to play in an 'engage' football event which aims at giving children who do not normally play football outside school, a chance to have a go and encourage them to participate more in the sport.

Although they did not win every game, the boys enjoyed themselves, played their socks off and represented the school well. Teddy was even heard to be asking if he could play football outside of school - which is the whole aim of the event!

On Tuesday afternoon, a Year3/4 girls team went to their 'engage' football event. They were not the overall winners, but they enjoyed the event and gave it their all, especially Tasheni who in all areas of the pitch! Shelby scored our only goal of the afternoon which was assisted by Tasheni.


Walsall Family Hubs

In Walsall we have four Family Hubs (East, North South and Central and West) they are based in the heart of our local communities.


They provide a welcoming space, offering help and support for a range of children. This includes face-to-face support, a virtual offer and outreach services in the community.


The services and support are aimed at children aged 0-19 (0 to 24 for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities), their parents and carers.


See leaflets and posters on their Family Support pages for their activities, apps, Saturday stay and plays, First Aid workshops, celebration events, Breastfeeding peer support introduction to solid foods and lots more


Take a look at their NEW website and look whats on offer and visit our Facebook  WalsallfamiliesintheKnow


The Dangers of Water Beads

We have been asked by the Local Authority to share a safety alert regarding water beads. We do not use these anywhere in our school or Early Years Centre but we know they are quite popular at home. If you do have these - please read the following:


Asda Rewards Cashpot for Schools

If you haven't done so already, please could we ask any parent who shops at Asda and uses the Asda Rewards App to select our school.  There are no cost implications to yourself and instead Asda will donate a percentage of your shopping bill to school.   

You have already raised £953.01 for the children at our school and there are 38 days left - thank you so much!


Dates for your diary

Monday 4 November - School Re-opens

Thursday 7 November - Year 5 visit to the Space Centre

Monday 11 November - Anti Bullying Week

Nursery Rhyme Week

11:00am - Remembrance Assemblies

2:30pm - Parents Anti-Bullying Workshop

Nursery and Reception - Dress up as a Nursery Character Day

5:45pm - Choir performing at Diversity event at The Halls, W'ton

Friday 15 November - Children in Need Day

Tuesday 19 November - Photographer for individuals

Wednesday 20 November - Photographer for siblings

Thursday 21 November - Flu Vaccinations catch up session R-Y6

Friday 22 November - Christmas Fayre Donation Day

Wednesday 27 November - Photographer re-takes

Thursday 28 November - Year 1 trip to Sudbury Hall

Wednesday 4 December - Reception Trip to Statfold Santa Express

Friday 6 December - Christmas Fayre

Thursday 12 December - 2:30pm - Reception Production

Friday 13 December - 9:30am - Reception Production

Wednesday 18 December - Christmas Dinner Day

Wear a Christmas jumper/item

Friday 20 December - 9:30am - Year 5 Christmas Carol Service

Break up for Christmas

Christmas Break: Monday 23 December 2024 - Friday 3 January 2025


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