Spring Term 2025

Dear Parents and Carers
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to the first newsletter of 2025 - we hope you all had a lovely break over the Christmas period and that you made some lovely memories with your children. It has been a cold start to the year but the children have come back well motivated and ready to learn.
The Spring Term is always very busy and packed with events, visitors, visits and workshops which all add to the wider curriculum. We have already had visits from History Workshops, Frog Life Science Workshops and our Year 6 SATS and Residential meeting for parents and look forward to all the events we have planned this term.
Parents/Carer consultations will be coming up this half term as well as our annual Dance Festival!
Please could you check your Arbor accounts to make sure they are up to date - both with the details we hold for you, in particular emergency contact numbers, and also to check there is no outstanding money owed.
We hope you all have a lovely week.
Mrs Arnold      Â
NHS Pharmacy First Service
Did you know that the NHS Pharmacy First Service enables children and adults to get convenient access to healthcare advice and treatment, where appropriate, for seven common conditions without the potential delay of having to wait for a GP appointment? Accessing the service may mean that you can help children feel better and get back to school as quickly as possible, as well as supporting parents/carers to also get better if they are unwell with one of the conditions covered under the service.
There is no need to make an appointment; parents or carers can pop into their local Boots pharmacy with their child and ask for help under the service.
Support for the following conditions can be accessed under the service, free of charge (unless NHS prescription charges apply):

More information can be found at How pharmacies can help - NHS
Sponsored read - Ready Steady Read.
We are very grateful to the children who took part in this sponsored reading challenge. Not only was a huge amount of money raised, but the children who took part enjoyed reading a variety of books over the week and recorded the time spent reading. Paige in Y6 read for the most time and received a special prize. Everyone involved received a certificate in the Congratulations assembly. We raised a staggering £600 which, with the rewards gained, will be £960 for the school to spend on new books for the library for all the children to share and enjoy.
School uniform
Shoes must be sturdy and black. Trainers are not allowed.
Coats should be plain and inexpensive.
Tramlines shaved into hair are not permitted
Remember to call in each for absence
if leaving a message, please explain the illness/provide the reason rather than just say 'unwell'
Thank you for your support on this matter.
Assessments - updated information leaflets for parents
 On Monday 6 January, the Standards and Testing Agency updated all parent leaflets for assessments for the academic year 2024 to 2025.
Information for parents is available to read online or to download as a PDF leaflet, and explains:
what parents need to know
what each assessment involves
when tests will take place
how results will be shared and used Â
Reception baseline assessment: information for parents - GOV.UKPhonics screening check: information for parents - GOV.UK
London Projects in Year 1
We have all been so impressed with the brilliant projects that children have done over Christmas; here are just a few fantastic examples. Thank you, parents and carers, for your hard work with these—the children have clearly really enjoyed learning about London as part of their homework! They will be starting their topic 'Bright Lights, Big City' in school very soon, where they will be able to apply their learning.Â
Miss Colman
Safer Internet Day - 11th February
In the week commencing 10th February, we will be joining schools and youth organisations across the UK in celebrating Safer Internet Day 2025, which takes place on Tuesday, 11th February 2025.
Safer Internet Day is a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology, which calls on young people, parents, carers, teachers, social workers, law enforcement, companies, policymakers and more, to help to create a better internet.
This year the campaign will be focusing on learning based around the theme ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online.‘
Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote in school, and celebrating Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity for us to re-emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout the year.
We would be delighted if you could join us in celebrating the day by continuing the conversation at home. To help you with this, for the UK Safer Internet Centre have created some free activities and information for parents and carers which are available at: https://saferinternet.org.uk/guide-and-resource/parents-and-carers
As a parent or carer, you play a key role in helping your child to stay safe online. You don’t need to be an expert on the internet to help keep your child stay safe online. The advice and resources are there to support you as you help your child to use the internet safely, responsibility and positively.
If you have any concerns or questions about keeping your child safe online, please do get in touch with your child’s class teacher, Mrs Eveson or Mrs. Begum, our Designated Online Safety Lead.
Best School Entry - Science Competition Winners!
We are delighted to announce that we have been recognised for our work in Science with a Science Award and been selected as ‘Best School Entry in an Inspiring Aviation design competition’. Â
The entries by our pupils were selected as 'Best School in the Primary competition' and we have been awarded £100 worth of vouchers to spend on something that encourages teamwork, creativity, and learning!
Well done to the children and to Miss Yoncaci, our Science Leader, for coordinating the competition.Â
Tuck requests on Arbor
Please can we remind parents that tuck options are released on Arbor at midday on a Wednesday. We would advise all parents to purchase tuck during the week as staff will be available to assist should there be any issues. Parents will also find that there is less 'traffic' on Arbor during the week.Â
Please can we also remind parents that if you purchase items via the Arbor website rather than the Arbor App you will be able to add multiple items to the basket and then check out once rather than multiple times on the App.Â
Parents can also view payments made within Payments - Invoices.
Dates for your diary for Spring Term
Friday 31 January Eye tests for Year 1
Monday 3 February Children's Mental Health Awareness Week
Year 3 Pedestrian Training this week
Wednesday 5 February Year 6 residential to Laches Wood
Monday 10 February  4:00pm - 6:20pm - Parent Consultation Evening
Tuesday 11 February Safer Internet Day
Wednesday 12 February 3:40pm - 5:40pm - Parent Consultation Evening
Thursday 13 February Dance Festival
Friday 14 February Break up for half term
February Half Term: Monday 17 February 2025 - Friday 21 February 2025
NB - Monday 24th February is an Inset Day - school is closed to pupils
Tuesday 25 February School reopens for pupils
Wednesday 26 February 9:00am - SEND Coffee Morning
Monday 3 March 1:30pm - Online pupil/parent workshops for Y6
Thursday 6 March World Book Day
Monday 10 March Year 1 Scootability this week
Wednesday 12 March Class Photographs
Monday 17 March 5:00pm - Year 4 Residential meeting for parents
Friday 21 March Comic Relief/Red Nose Day
Wednesday 2 April 2:00pm - Year 6 Relationships workshop
Thursday 3 April School Easter Disco (4:30pm Y3/4, 6:00pm - Y5/6)
Friday 4 April 9:30am/2:30pm - Nursery Productions
Tuesday 8 April 9:15am/1:45pm - Nursery/Rec Easter Bonnet Parade
Friday 11 April 9:30 - Year 3 Easter Service at Beacon Church
Break up for Easter
Easter Break: Monday 14 April 2025 - Friday 25 April 2025
Please note that the following days are INSET days and school is closed for children:
Monday 24 February 2025
Monday 2 June 2025
Monday 21 July 2025
Community Events and Family Support
Early Help - SEND Workshop - How to support your child with their emotions
The Early Help Parenting Team would like to invite any parents/carers to their SEND workshop: 'How to support your child with their emotions workshops'.
This workshop includes:
Understanding sensory needs & support strategies.
Strategies to support your child to regulate their emotions.
Opportunity to meet other parents over a cup of tea or coffee.
We will provide drinks but not food, so we encourage you to bring along some snacks or lunch.
Date | Venue and time (if applicable) |
Monday 27th Jan 10.15am-2.15pm | Whitehall Infants School, West Bromwich Road, Walsall, WS1 3HS (Weston Street entrance) |
Saturday 1st Feb 10.15am-2.15pm | North Family Hub, 275 Blakenhall Lane, Blakenhall, Walsall, WS3 1HJ |
Monday 10th Feb 10.15am-2.15pm | Brownhills West Community Centre, 42 Shannon Drive, Brownhills, WS8 7LA |
Monday 3rd March 10.15am-2.15pm | Birchills Primary School, Farringdon Street, Walsall, WS2 8NF |
Monday 17th March 10.15am-2.15pm | Rushall Primary School, Pelsall Lane, Rushall, WS4 1NG |
Monday 31st March 10.15am-2.15pm | Rosedale Infant School, Stroud Avenue, Willenhall, WV12 4EG |

Please can you book on to your workshop of choice via the link or QR code.
 SEND: How To Help Your Child Manage Their Emotions                Â
