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School News - 5th February 2024

Updated: Feb 18, 2024

Spring Term 2024


Dear Parents and Carers,

Thank you to all our parents and care givers - this has been a whirlwind of a half term and we all feel as though we have fitted 8 weeks into a 5 week term so I know all the children and staff are definitely ready for their half term break.

Consultation evenings gave teachers an opportunity to share your child's achievement with you - thank you for supporting your children as always.

Next half term is also short - just 5 weeks again - and we will see our Nursery children perform an Easter presentation for parents as well as their Easter Bonnet parade with Reception. We have on line safety workshops coming up for parents and pupils. Year 2 will visit Doe Bank Park, Reception will go on walks around the local area and Year 3 will take part in A*Stars pedestrian walks and learn more about Road Safety. At the end of the term we will see Year 3 children present their Easter Service at Beacon Church

We hope you all have a lovely week sharing happy times with your children, families and friends. Mrs Arnold


Dance Festival

Our Dance Festival went ahead yesterday and it really was a splash of colour on a grey and dismal day!

All children performed really well and judging by all the smiles, they thoroughly enjoyed the experience. As did the staff - some more than others!

Dance is a really important part of the PE curriculum - it helps children develop control, coordination, balance and poise as well as performing movements or patterns and responding to music or rhythm.

Thank you for your support with this event and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!


TT Rockstars

On Friday 2nd February, the whole school took part in Numbers/TTRockstars Day. Pupils in Reception - Year 6 attended an assembly during which they learnt about some famous mathematicians, as well as the possibilities that Maths could provide them in their future; they then engaged in several Maths based activities during the afternoon, in addition to their daily Maths lesson. 

Two of our pupils represented Pheasey Park Farm at the Inter-Trust Maths Quiz that was held at Elston Hall Primary School. We are proud to announce that Pheasey Park Farm came 2nd place with a score of 480. A huge well done and thank you to Cady (Year 3) and Ben (Year 4) for representing us so well in this competition. Both pupils received a medal for their efforts. 

Finally, a huge thank you to all pupils and staff for the effort put into dressing up as a rockstar/number. Everybody looked fantastic, and a fun day was had by all! From the funds raised, a small donation will be made to the charity NSPCC and the rest will be used to purchase Maths resources to support teaching and learning in school.'


Cross Country

Fifteen children from Years 4 to 6 participated in the Cross Country competition on Thursday 1st February. The event saw huge numbers of children participate and the children had to run a distance of up to 2,000m. We were very successful with most of our children reaching the top 50. Ruby from Year 6 came 12th, Joey from Year 5 came 19th and Arlo also from Year 5 came first!! An excellent achievement against so many other children. 

Two teams of mixed year groups also competed in a relay race placing in 6th and 11th place out of around 15 groups. 


Mayor's Parlour

Our School council visited the mayor of Walsall at the Mayor's parlour in the council house on Wednesday. Children learnt about the history of Walsall and the City Council and they heard about how the Mayor runs the council today. Children even got the opportunity to sit in the Mayor’s seat in the main chamber! Each child was given a stationary set and a pin badge from the Mayor to remember this special visit. 



We are having a growing number of pupils not taking part in swimming lessons at school. We know that with conditions such as ear infections etc children will be unable to swim and we completely appreciate that. However, where children are fit and healthy they should have the opportunity to swim and learn this life long skill that could save their lives one day. There are not many primary schools which have swimming pools - this is a fantastic resource and the children are so lucky to be able to swim every week.

If there are reasons why you do not want your child to swim, for example the cost of the costume/towel/hat please get in touch with us as we may be able to help.


World book Day - 7th March

World Book Day will be celebrated in school on Thursday, 7th March 2024 and aims to increase children’s love of reading whilst allowing them to share their authors. This year’s theme is authors from diverse backgrounds. 


The World Book Day organisation distributes gift vouchers and children will receiveda £1 World Book Day voucher which they can use towards the purchase of a book from a range of retailers. For more information on this, please visit World Book Day £1/€1.50 Books and Tokens - World Book Day 


On Thursday, 7th March your child will be able to dress up as their favourite book character. Please do not feel you have to purchase a costume – home made outfits are perfect too - but please remember children will still go outside to play so they do need sensible footwear. No heels please! Children who wish to dress up should bring £1.00 into school on the actual day and all funds raised will be used to develop the School Library and classroom book areas with books by favourite, new and popular authors.   Further information will follow in a separate letter.


We look forward to children and staff celebrating together, sharing stories, discussing favourite authors and books and promoting a love of reading.  


Long hair!

Please can parents/carers ensure that hair past shoulder length is tied back during the school day. This is for health and safety reasons and also to reduce the transfer risk of headlice.


Online Safety messages

During school holidays, children may be spending more time on electronic devices especially if the weather remains wet and rainy and families are unable to enjoy time outdoors. Please remember:

  • Children are at most risk on an unsupervised device, usually in their bedrooms. Think carefully about where you allow children to use technology.

  • Online harm can happen to any child – please don’t assume it won’t happen to yours.

  • Many children do not report online harm, either experienced by them or their peers. Encourage your children to talk to you if anything worries them


Safer Internet Day

Using the internet safely and positively is a key message that we promote at our school. We celebrated Safer Internet Day this week to emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout our Computing and PSHE Curriculum. Children across the school completed online safety lessons and we held Safer Internet Day assemblies.   

Here is a game that can be played together to develop and enhance online safety awareness:


This is an educational game made by Google to help teach children about a range of online safety concerns, it has lessons on cyberbullying, phishing, data protection, and more. Every separate online safety skill is split into a different area in the game and your children learn through a variety of mini-games and quizzes. Interland is designed for children aged 8 to 12 years

We will be holding a series of parent workshops after the half term break focusing on online safety led by an Online Safety Specialist. We will run these at number of different time slots to try an cater for the needs of working parents and further information will be sent out shortly. 


Fund raising - thank you!

We know that times are harder than ever with the increased cost of living. However, we have been able to raise money for the children here through recent fundraising events - thank you for your generosity!

TTRockstars/Numbers Day last week raised £404.92. This will be split between new Maths resources for the children as well as a donation to the NSPCC.

Rags2Riches this week raised £56.05 which will go into School Fund and be used towards special events for the children


3 Rs Winners - Respect, Responsibility, Readiness to Learn

Once children are noticed in school for displaying the 3Rs and also for the effort they put in to their work, they receive House points which are collected in an Achievement book. When their Achievement book is completed, children's names go into a prize draw at the end of the half term.

Mrs Hannan has pulled the names out the hat this half term and the following children have won a £10 one4all gift voucher to spend over the half term.

Well done and thank you to the following children:

Teddy in RNV

Miley in 1NS

Theo in 2JC

Penny in 3DR

Logan-James om 4AR

Kal-El in 5KP

Leah in 6SB


Reminders for Reception and Y2

Tuesday 20 Feb - Reception children will need to bring a baby photo into school, with their name on the back

Friday 23 Feb - Y2 Pirate day - children can bring in a pirate item such as a hat/eye patch etc. but they will still need to wear school uniform please


Shakespeare and Anglo Saxon Homework winners

Year 6 ran a competition for Shakespeare homework. The winners were Luke in 6AY, Vinny in 6RN and Ryan in 6SB. These children have all won a book voucher to spend.

Year 5 Anglo Saxon homework winners were Mason and Paige in 5LE, Alizah and Preslava in 5TO and Millie and Ella in 5KP. These children received a certificate and the overall winners had a Saxon Badge!


Dates for next half term and Term Dates for 2024-25


Community Events and Family Support

Walsall Household Support Fund

Walsall Council received a further £5.6 million in additional government funding and are trying to reach the most vulnerable households in Walsall.

The fund is available to households within Walsall and the full criteria can be found on the Walsall website. If families require assistance in accessing or completing the online form, please contact our School Office or visit your local Walsall Connected site.

You do not need to be in receipt of benefits to be eligible for assistance.

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