Summer Term 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had many visitors into school over the last two weeks and it is lovely to see how the curriculum is being enriched for your children. We also welcomed new parents/carers in for our Nursery and Reception Induction evenings where they were able to meet the teachers and visit the Early Years areas of the school. Year 2 are busy rehearsing for their production of Hansel and Gretel next week as are Year 6 for their performance of Peter Pan the following week.
We have received a number of packs of wildflower seeds to commemorate the King's Coronation - as have all schools. We have planted these and look forward to seeing how our wildflower areas develop over the next few weeks.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Arnold
Sports Days
Sports Days have gone ahead this week for all year groups - from our youngest in Nursery to our oldest in Year 6. Although we were blessed with some typical British weather - especially today! It is always wonderful to see all our children showing their competitive spirit whilst at the same time supporting and encouraging each other. Thank you to Mrs Page and our KS2 Dance Club who performed at each of the events.

A huge thank you to our Year 6 Young Leaders who helped with the organisation and supported the younger children - they did an excellent job! So did our Y4 'stand in' Young Leaders for the Y5/6 Sports Day today - thank you!

Children represented their Houses which are either Scott, Boulton, Vesey or Watt and the winners at each of the events were:

Reception/AM Nursery - Scott
PM Nursery - Watt
Year 1/2 - Scott
Year 3/4 - Scott
Year 5/6 - Scott
Choir Concert with the City of Lichfield Concert Band!

On Saturday 17th June, our school choir performed at Beacon Church alongside the City of Lichfield Concert Band. They sang beautifully and were excellent ambassadors for the school. We also received the following lovely message from Sharon Guy, who plays with the Lichfield Concert Band -
‘I had the privilege of performing with the COLCB on Saturday night, along with your wonderful school choir. I had to contact you to tell you how very impressed I was with the children. They memorised 13 songs which is amazing! They were so confident, sang with such conviction and it was clear that they were loving every minute of their performances. The programme that they presented was so diverse and many of those songs they would not have heard before learning to sing them. Credit for this must go to your music coordinator. Their behaviour was impeccable too and they clearly enjoyed listening to the band.
It was an incredible performance, and your choir is a huge credit for your school. Please pass on my congratulations to all those wonderful children who gave their audience a superb evening of entertainment and to the two teachers who led the choir and accompanied.’
We raised £600 through ticket sales and this will go directly into our school fund to be used towards further enhancement of our Music curriculum. Thank you to all parents, carers, families, friends and staff who attended on the night to support the Choir and to Mr Orbell for organising the event.
Year 5 Visit to the West Midlands Police Museum

Yesterday, our Year 5 pupils visited West Midlands Police Museum at Steelhouse Lane in Birmingham as part of their History curriculum. This was a hands on and creative day with the children learning about the last two centuries of Policing history.

They emailed us to say, 'We hope that your lovely learners enjoyed their visit today as much as we enjoyed meeting them.'
If you would like to find out more about the venue and perhaps visit yourselves, you can visit their website at Home - West Midlands Police Museum (
Year 6 Careers Talks
We had a number of visitors into school last week to speak to our Year 6 pupils about their jobs and careers. Although it may seem a long way off, it is really valuable for our children to know the possibilities and opportunities out there for them in the future. Thank you to all those who gave up their time to inspire the children.
One of our visitors - a Police Community Support Officer from Aldridge Neighbourhood Team contacted us afterwards to share that she 'enjoyed coming in and talking to the children. They were so well behaved, listened well and asked many interesting questions. They are a credit to you all.'
What a lovely thing to hear - and well done Year 6, we hope you gained some ideas about jobs you may like to do in the future.
Bottle tops!

Please don't forget to save all your plastic bottle tops for a mosaic we are creating to represent sustainability!
Keeping Children Safe Online over the Summer for Parents/Carers
With the summer holidays just around the corner, children are looking forward to having more free time. For many, some of this will be spent online. It is so important that parents/carers know what their children are accessing on line and we know that some of you are worried about how best to keep them safe. We would encourage parents/carers to access the link below:
This link has information to help parents with a realistic approach to help keep their children safe when using the internet, social media and playing online games. Things like:
A parent's guide to social media
A parent's guide to sharing pictures
A parent's guide to gaming
A parent's guide to online grooming
A parent's guide to online influencers
A parent's guide to fake news
A parent's guide to privacy
Community Events

Class of the Week

Each week staff choose a 'Class of the Week' for KS1 and KS2. This is based on behaviour and attitudes and awarded to classes that have demonstrated our 3 R's throughout the week - Respect, Responsibility and Readiness to Learn. Well done this week to...REP and 4CH
Date Reminders
