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School News - 24th November 2023


Updated: Nov 28, 2023

Autumn Term 2023


Dear Parents and Carers,

As always, things have been busy here at school. We have had Children in Need Day, Odd Socks Day, Olympic Athlete visit and Nursery Rhyme day for Early Years whilst still covering all aspects of the regular timetable. The fundraising events have been very successful and we thank all our families for their generosity. Before and After school extra curricular clubs finished this week other than the swimming booster sessions and Choir. Clubs will restart after February half term.

Please remember to send your child to school with a water bottle each day. We do not have drinking fountains in school and although we can provide disposable cups for your child if they are thirsty, it is better that they have their own bottle which can be filled up throughout the day and accessed regularly. Remember to put your child's name on the bottle as well!

Thank you to all parents who attended our Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check Workshop and also the Year 1 and Year 3 Maths Mastery Workshops. We hope you found these useful and that they gave you an insight into how we are developing maths for your children.

Please check our website for extra information about the curriculum, policies, recent news blogs and important dates. We are developing this all the time and trying it make it as user friendly as possible.

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Arnold


Children in Need

Last Friday we celebrated Children in Need Day. Children were able to wear their own clothes to school for a donation of £1. We will let you know how much we have raised as a school - all proceeds will go to Children in Need on behalf of the children, parents, staff and governors of the school. Thank you for your donations.

During the day, children took part in assemblies and learned about the work this charity does and how the money we raise can help change the lives of children less fortunate than themselves.


Visiting Athlete

Last Thursday we welcomed Joe Roebuck to our school - GB Olympic swimmer, ten times British Champion, double Commonwealth silver medallist, double European medallist and London 2012 Olympic semi-finalist. His events are the 100m and 200m Butterfly and the 200m and 400m Individual Medley. Together with Emma, the Sportivator, our school was overtaken with sponsored activities for the first part of the day followed by an inspirational talk from Joe about his journey to success.

It took exceptional hard work, dedication and resilience for Joe to reach the top of his game and the message he gave all our pupils today was invaluable - don't give up, believe in yourselves!

All children completed their activities and are busy collecting sponsor money which will go towards sports equipment for our school. We have currently raised over £4000. Thank you so much for your generosity.

What an inspiring day - the Olympic legacy was very evident at Pheasey and you never know, we may have some future Olympians amongst our pupils!


Xmas fayre

We will be holding our Christmas Fayre on Friday, 1st December 2023 from 5.00pm to 7.00pm. There will be lots of stalls and opportunities to buy Christmas gifts for family and friends, along with games, face painting and maybe even a visit from Santa!

During the evening, the choir will be singing a selection of Christmas songs for our parents, carers and children to enjoy. If you are interested in booking a stall to sell your own items/crafts/Christmas goods etc at a cost of £5.00 for the evening, please contact the School Office. It is only through your generous donations that we can run this very popular and enjoyable event and we would like to thank families for their kind donations sent into school today.

If you have any sweets or bottles going spare - we would be very grateful!

We look forward to seeing you next Friday!


Odd socks day

As part of Anti-Bullying Week, we celebrated ‘Odd Socks Day’ on Monday. The idea behind this was to celebrate individuality, encourage children to express themselves and promote these core values behind Anti-Bullying week. This campaign partners with the Anti-Bullying Alliance to raise awareness of bullying.

The only thing that the children (and Staff!!) needed to do, was wear a pair of odd socks to school for the day. It was lovely to see how many children participated in this to celebrate our individuality!!



The photographer from Tempest has been in school this week to take individual photographs and those of siblings within school. Resits and photos for absentees will take place on Tuesday 28th November however please note that Year 1 will be on their school trip on this day. 


Today, your child will be bringing home a small, proof photograph which you can keep, or you may wish to order photographs online.  All orders should be placed directly with Tempest and instructions on how to order online will be shown on the proof.


Responses to parents

With the increase in the use of emails, we can be inundated at times with questions, information and requests for calls back from parents and carers. Please be patient with us. Whilst we endeavour to communicate as quickly as we can, our policy is to respond to parents/carers within 24 hours. However, once children are in school, their education and safety are our class teachers priority and therefore any phone calls will be made when staff are not teaching. Staff are not able to make calls immediately and we have recently seen parents stating, for example, that they expect a response within the hour. With the best will in the world, this is simply not possible but we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Please also note that staff are not expected to respond to emails on evenings or over weekends.

Thank you for your support in this matter.


Football news

Today the Year 5/6 girls football team went to Manor Farm Community Centre to play a few games in the League they are in.

The results were:

Pheasey 1 - 0 Rivers

Pheasey 4 - 3 Croft

Pheasey 2 - 2 Bloxwich Academy

Pheasey 0 - 1 Goldsmith

The girls played well and supported each other throughout the games. The organiser of the event said of our team, 'What a great bunch they are and represented both themselves and Pheasey well.'


Operation Christmas child

Please could we say a huge thank all to the children that made and brought in a shoebox this year.

They were collected this week and we are excited to think that 49 children and their families will be touched by these beautiful gifts from our school.


Fidget Toys

Fidget toys are not permitted in school unless this have been agreed by our Senco/SLT to support a child's identified SEND. We are having more and more children come in with them from home and they are becoming a distraction in classrooms rather than a support.


Community Information

Family Apps

Recently, a number of free apps have been made available to support families as part of the Family Hubs offer. The good news is that all the below apps can be downloaded for free from the Apple or Google Play stores.



Community Events and Family Support

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