Spring Term 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,
Just a short newsletter this week to welcome you all back after the February break. I have included some information about the importance of lockdown procedures and drills in school. These happen termly, just like our fire drills, although we hope that we never have to do one for real. However, as explained below, things do happen out in the community and we have to keep our children safe. By practising lockdowns, we can be sure that staff and children know what to do in the event of an actual threat.
If you would like any further information on our lockdown drills, please contact school and we will be happy to discuss these with you or signpost you to our policies and procedures.
Have a lovely weekend - at least there are some signs now that the lighter nights are on their way!
Mrs Arnold
Safeguarding our Children - Lockdown
With today’s world seeming increasingly unsafe, there is call for all schools to have a concrete protocol to be used in the event of a dangerous event happening on or near the premises.
Lockdown could be triggered if there is an urgent imminent threat, or as a precaution because of a threat in the vicinity.
A Partial Lockdown, also known as invacuation, is the process of getting everybody inside and safe, and securing the building. In most cases, pupils will be able to stay in their classroom and the school day can continue as normal, just with everyone staying indoors. This might be required if:
• There is local air pollution due to a nearby fire or chemical release (in this event keep windows closed). • There is a dangerous animal (usually a dog) in the grounds.
• There is an incident or civil disturbance in the area that might affect the school.
In the event of a Full Lockdown, everyone on the premises - staff, pupils and visitors are moved inside the building, away from the urgent or imminent danger and to a place where they can’t be seen from outside the building. The building is secured, occupied room doors and windows must be shut and locked, and the blinds or curtains drawn, with any lighting turned off.
A Full Lockdown might be implemented if:
• there is a terror incident or other unprompted attack.
• there is an aggrieved, disturbed or intoxicated person trying to gain access to the school (this could be a parent or a stranger).
• there is an intruder on the site.
• there is an internal threat from a pupil.
It is important to practise Lockdown procedures with pupils, in the same way that we undertake fire drills. It’s natural to worry that younger children may be alarmed by practising Lockdown Drills, but we make every effort not to frighten them. We keep the procedure simple, using terminology they are used to hearing day to day. Depending on the nature of the threat, children may be told to hide under their tables.
We would like to reassure parents that our lockdown drills are successful and run smoothly with little disruption to the pupils. We practice them with pupils each term.
When it’s not a drill…(it could really happen).
It is important that parents and carers know that in the event of a real Lockdown:
Do not try to contact the school - Calling the school could tie up telephone lines that are needed for contacting emergency services.
Do not come to school – children will not be released to you during a Lockdown. This could interfere with the emergency services access to school and may put them or others in danger.
The school will contact parents/carers when it is safe to come to collect your children.
Refrain from using social media during the incident
Following a spate of bomb hoaxes/threats made to two hospitals and one school in the surrounding Police force area by school age children, Assistant Chief Constable Bell has asked for this message to be shared with schools so that we can advise parents of the consequences of such actions.
Reporting a false bomb threat is treated extremely seriously and the wider implications of taking away integral resources for genuine requests. Bomb hoaxes can understandably alarm parents, carers other students and the wider community. West Midlands Police treat all reports of this nature extremely seriously, and anyone caught committing such an offence will be dealt with robustly. Making a false report could lead to a fine, a conviction for wasting police time or even a prison sentence for the more serious offence of perverting the course of justice. The offence carries a maximum penalty of six months imprisonment.
Boys Football
On 20th February, the boys Year 5/6 football team went to Bloxwich Academy for their match. Unfortunately they lost 2-1 in what was a very close, competitive game.
If you have not already finalised your account in Arbor, please refer to the letter sent on Friday 9th February 'Update to our system in school'. This system will go live next week and further information will follow regarding making payments. Tuck purchases for next week should still be made through Schoolcomms.
Road Safety
We have been made aware of a number of pupils arriving to school on bicycles - without paying due care and attention to their own safety. This includes riding in the middle of the road, doing wheelies in the road and riding in and out of parked cars.
If you child comes to school by bicycle, please speak to them at home about the dangers of unsafe riding. Should school continue to be concerned about individuals safety, they will not be permitted access to school with their bikes.
Procedures for raising concerns
Please ensure that the correct procedures are followed when raising issues/concerns about your child. In the first instance, class teachers would deal with any issues as they are the staff who see your child day to day and can generally sort out any issues at an early stage. Concerns would then escalate to Year Leaders, then Phase Leaders, then to Senior Leadership - Assistant Head teachers, Deputy Head teacher and then Head teacher. A copy of our complaints procedure can be found on our website.
World book Day - 7th March
World Book Day will be celebrated in school on Thursday, 7th March 2024 and aims to increase children’s love of reading whilst allowing them to share their authors. This year’s theme is authors from diverse backgrounds.
The World Book Day organisation distributes gift vouchers and children will have received a £1 World Book Day voucher which they can use towards the purchase of a book from a range of retailers. For more information on this, please visit World Book Day £1/€1.50 Books and Tokens - World Book Day
On Thursday, 7th March your child will be able to dress up as their favourite book character. Please do not feel you have to purchase a costume – home made outfits are perfect too - but please remember children will still go outside to play so they do need sensible footwear. No heels please! Children who wish to dress up should bring £1.00 into school on the actual day and all funds raised will be used to develop the School Library and classroom book areas with books by favourite, new and popular authors.
We look forward to children and staff celebrating together, sharing stories, discussing favourite authors and books and promoting a love of reading.
Measles Update
The Walsall Health Protection Team are still updating schools about the situation around Measles. There is a continued rise of Measles cases across the West Midlands and numbers are expected to rise.
Measles is a highly infectious viral infection. Measles spreads so easily and if a person has it, up to 90% of the people close to that person who are not immune (not vaccinated/has not had measles before) will also become infected.
Symptoms include:
runny nose, cough, conjunctivitis (sticky eyes), high fever, small white spots inside the cheeks and a rash of flat brown or red blotches appear
In some instances, Measles can lead to serious complications. Walsall Health Protection Team advise the best protection against measles is the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine). The vaccine protects the individual and limits the chance of the virus spreading more widely. Children should receive two doses of MMR vaccine for maximum protection. The MMR vaccine is given to babies and young children in two doses (1 year and 3 years 4 months).
Protection against measles starts to develop around 2-3 weeks after having the MMR vaccine.
Individuals not vaccinated can receive a free vaccination from their GP surgery or designated pop-up clinics.
If you think you or your child may have measles you are advised to stay at home and phone the GP practice or 111 for advice.
If your child has measles, they cannot attend school for 4 days after the start of the rash.
Dates for next half term
Community Events and Family Support
Walsall Household Support Fund
Walsall Council received a further £5.6 million in additional government funding and are trying to reach the most vulnerable households in Walsall.
The fund is available to households within Walsall and the full criteria can be found on the Walsall website. If families require assistance in accessing or completing the online form, please contact our School Office or visit your local Walsall Connected site.
You do not need to be in receipt of benefits to be eligible for assistance.