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School News - 19th January 2024


Spring Term 2024


Dear Parents and Carers,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to the first newsletter of 2024 - we hope you all had a lovely break over the Christmas period and that you made some lovely memories with your children. It has been a cold start to the year but the children have come back well motivated and ready to learn.

We have welcomed a number of new staff into school who have all settled quickly into their new roles and classes and learning has not been interrupted at all. The Spring Term is always very busy and packed with events, visitors, visits and workshops which all add to the wider curriculum. We have already had visits from History Workshops, HSBC Maths World of Work and our Year 6 pupils taking part in their residential visit.

Next week, Year 2 to Year 5 children will watch a performance from a theatre group in school which I am sure they will thoroughly enjoy and Year 6 will take part in their Split Second Workshop led by the Playhouse Theatre.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Arnold


Y6 Visit to Laches Wood

What a fantastic time our Year 6 pupils had at their Year 6 residential last week. Although a little chilly, they were kept warm with all the different activities - from BMX racing, to the high ropes, to axe throwing. There were some fantastic achievements. We saw children who were able to overcome their nerves and reach the highest platforms and those who had previously been unable to ride a bike, persevere and begin riding like professionals!! The centre staff said that our pupils not only left their rooms tidier and cleaner than any other school but that they made coming to work each day fun. What a lovely thing to hear!


What else did Year 6 get up to?

Not all of our Year 6 pupils went to Laches Wood - some chose to take part in activities in school instead.

This included making exotic dragon eyes in clay. The children looked at some designs, sketched their own, completed some collage work then made clay eyes. The colours used are beautiful!


History Workshop for Year 5 - Anglo Saxons

On Tuesday, we welcomed a history workshop into school to support children's learning within the History Curriculum. The children learnt all about Anglo Saxon life and even managed to complete an archaeology dig!


History Workshop for Year 4 - The Greeks

Year 4 children enjoyed their History day last week on the Ancient Greeks.

The Battle Formations and Tactics session was one of the highlights of the day, where the children got their very own spear and shield to use during the session. They learned about the famous formations and battle tactics that the Greeks used to conquer lands far and wide, such as the phalanx formation.

Greek Board Games – in this session, the children played on wooden board games which have been hand made to replicate what the Greeks would have had around 2000 years ago!

Greek Scribe - for this session, the children wrote in Ancient Greek on real papyrus paper, using reed pens and ink, just like the Ancient Greeks did all those years ago!


Curriculum Information for Parents

Just a reminder that the half termly curriculum information for parents has been uploaded onto the website for Spring 1. This is a really good way to know what your child is being taught in school and also, following requests from parents, includes ways to support children at home. We hope you continue to find this useful. Find these on our website by clicking on the relevant year group in ‘curriculum - curriculum overviews/ information’ or by using the link below.



Promoting diversity and inclusion, alongside equality is essential for every member of the school community. Not only is it a legal requirement, children and staff are entitled to learn and work in an environment where they can thrive together and celebrate their uniqueness.

Diversity is one of our curriculum drivers. We are aiming for pupils to appreciate and understand that each individual is unique and to recognise and celebrate our individual differences. We have developed our curriculum to provide opportunities for this learning and appreciation of others. We also find incidental teaching opportunities in the day to day activities in school and challenge negative attitudes.

We make sure texts include a diverse range of characters - including those from different cultures and ethnic groups, different family groupings, characters with disabilities and LGBT+ characters. In history, music, art and PE we include a focus on key figures who represent diversity. It is vital that children see themselves reflected positively in the texts and resources they encounter


Safeguarding Team Update

Safeguarding of our children is all our responsibilities. In school, we have a safeguarding team and you or your children can speak to any one of us, at anytime, if you have any worries or concerns.


Maths World of Work

Over the last week, HSBC World of Work sessions have taken place in school. Children have taken part in many practical and real life activities to help them use maths to solve money problems. These were excellent sessions and thoroughly enjoyed by the children.


Dates for this half term and Term Dates for 2024-25


Community Events and Family Support

What's on in Walsall Family Hubs - January - March?

What is Family Hubs?

Walsall’s four Family Hubs are based in the heart of our local communities. They provide a welcoming space, offering help and support for a range of children’s services. This includes face-to-face support, a virtual offer and outreach services. The services and support are aimed at children aged 0-19 (0 to 24 for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities), their parents and carers.

Walsall Family Hubs have a range of free activities and workshops available for families to access:

·       Universal Activity Timetable for 0 – 5 years Jan – March 2024

·       What's on Saturdays at the Family Hubs (Stay and play and Dads stay and play)

·       First Aid & Healthy and safety

·       Mental Health First Aid (Open wellbeing workshops)

·       Introduction to solids foods

·       Breastfeeding peer support group

·       Apps available to families (Baby Buddy, Easy Peasy and Dads Pad)

·       Parent Forum – Recruitment of parents

·       Family Hubs and Early Years Newsletter – see link Things to do with your children | Walsall Council 


If you require any resources or further information, please contact 


To keep up to date with what’s going on by following their Facebook Page @Walsallfamiliesintheknow  or email 

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