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School News - 16th June 2023


Summer Term 2023


Dear parents and carers,

As we enter the last half term of the academic year, we are busy organising our end of year events. It will be an exciting but emotional final few weeks for our Year 6 children - however we know that they are more than ready for this next step in their lives.

All children in school have things to look forward to, including our Trust Celebration Week which starts on the 10th of July. During this week, all schools in the Trust will complete work on the same theme Sustainability and Recycling, with opportunities for some children to visit other schools and join in creative activities. It should be a lot of fun.

We have Open Evening this half term, performances from Year 2 and Year 6, Sports Days, a range of music concerts for parents and our Choir performing at Beacon Church this Saturday evening alongside the City of Lichfield Concert Band. Please see the list of dates at the end of this newsletter.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Arnold


Trust Football Competition - Bronze Cup Winners!

Well done to our Year 5 pupils for representing our school in the Trust Cup Football Competition last Friday.

For the Bronze cup we played against Tipton Green in the final match. At full time it was a draw, after extra time the score remained 2-2 and it then went to a sudden death penalty shoot out. After an excellent save from our keeper and 2 strikes on target, we won the match and took home the Bronze Cup. Well done all!


Year 6 Visit to Woodlands

Last Friday, our Year 6 pupils spent the day at Woodlands. The children were described as 'a dream' by the instructors who said they were really good to work with. They were very impressed with the behaviour and attitudes of the children and the apparently the 'staff were all great!'

Children had the chance to challenge themselves and try new activities and most importantly, they enjoyed every single minute. Their support for each other, resilience and excellent behaviour shows just how ready they are for their transition to Secondary school. Well done Year 6!


Cricket News

On Wednesday the Year 5/6 boys cricket team went to Aldridge Cricket Club for a tournament. They won 1 and lost 2 coming 3rd in their group out of 10 teams - a great achievement!

The girls Year 5/6 team played on Thursday and won 2 and lost 3.

Both teams enjoyed themselves and were excellent representatives for the school.


Sun Protection

As we are in the middle of a heatwave, it is an appropriate time to remember that sun protection is important for all of us, but particularly the children.


· Children are encouraged to wear protective clothing during the summer term. School uniform is made from fabrics with a close weave, and includes polo shirts, longer style dresses and shorts.

· Children are encouraged to bring hats in to wear - in particular wide-brimmed hats (6-10 cm) that protect their face, neck and ears, when they are outside in hot, sunny weather. Please ensure hats for school do not have drawstrings which go under the chin. Caps are better than nothing but they do not give the same protection.


· Covering up and seeking shade are the most important sun protection measures. In addition, sunscreen can provide protection to exposed skin.

· Pupils are encouraged to apply sunscreen before school starts – SPF 20 or above


· Children are encouraged to make use of available shaded areas when outside.

Drinking Water

· Children are encouraged to increase their water intake in hot weather and are encouraged to drink water during break times and lunch times.

· Every child should bring a labelled refillable water bottle to school every day.


Green Flag Award

We are delighted to inform you that the Eco-Committee have been successful in achieving the Eco-Schools Green Flag award with Merit! The Eco Warriors, alongside many of the children across school, have worked hard to achieve this award and should be very proud of themselves. The Eco-Schools team were particularly impressed with our Eco Code, Eco song, Eco display board and the variety of campaigns that we have supported this year including the Toy-Tastic Pledge for Waste Week and Rags2Riches. Well done to the Eco Warriors and everyone who has supported the Eco vision this year!


Stranger Awareness

We educate children in school about Stanger Awareness and what to do if someone they do not know (either face to face or online) approaches them or makes them feel unsafe/uncomfortable. This is through PSHE lessons, assemblies and incidental learning.

As is always the case during the Summer months, children play out later in the evenings and weekends and an increasing number of pupils are walking to and from school on their own. Please could you take this opportunity to speak to your child at home and reinforce what to do if someone they do not know approaches them or makes them feel unsafe and that this can be any gender and any age.


Don't Throw Your Plastic Bottle Tops Away!

As part of our Trust celebrations, we would like to create a 'bottle top collage' with the Y6 children. We will need a LOT of plastic bottle tops in order to do this so we need your help!

Could you and your children begin collecting bottle tops for us please?

This activity will take place on the 14th July so we need these before then please. Any colour will do: milk carton tops, pop bottle tops or anything else suitable.

To ensure children want to do this, we are running a class competition on who can bring in the most bottle tops - whichever class can bring in the most bottle tops will win an additional break time slot!


Pyjamarama Day

Children and Staff across school took part in Pyjamarama Day yesterday. They enjoyed a range of reading activities and shared their favourite stories and authors - wearing their favourite pyjamas! Children were able to share books with children from other year groups and thoroughly enjoyed the day.

Thank you for your donations! All monies raised will be divided between the Book Trust who want every child to experience the comfort and joy of bedtime reading and the purchase of more books for our School Library.


Parents and Carers - we need you!

Starting in the Autumn Term we would like to set up Parent/Carers Working Party. This would involve a group of parents working alongside Mrs Morgan to explore ways in which we could increase the engagement and communication between home and school. There would be meetings arranged over the academic year that would be a combination of virtual, in-school and after-school hours. If you are interested in joining this group, or finding out more, please contact the school office and they will pass your details onto Mrs Morgan.


HAF Summer Programme

For further information email the HAF team on or you can call the HAF helpline on 01922 653899 (Monday – Friday, between 10:00am to 4:00pm)


Community Events


Class of the Week

Each week staff choose a 'Class of the Week' for KS1 and KS2. This is based on behaviour and attitudes and awarded to classes that have demonstrated our 3 R's throughout the week - Respect, Responsibility and Readiness to Learn. Last week was 2SM and 3SS and Well done this week to...6TO and 1VE


Our Term dates for 2023/24 can be find below:

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