Autumn Term 2023

Dear Parents and Carers,
What a wet end to the week - I hope this improves over the weekend and you are able to get some fresh air outside with your children. Our Year 6 persevered with their Bikeability sessions this week although they did get a little damp at times. They were complimented on their maturity and behaviour and we hope they are now much safer on two wheels than they may have been previously. Thank you for your support with this.
To feedback to parents who have raised concerns about dangerous parking and manoeuvring in the roads around school, the Police have asked us to let you know that there will be a Police presence in the surrounding areas next week and that they will address any incidences of dangerous parking.
We are holding our Parents/Carers Evenings on Monday, 23rd October and Wednesday, 25th October for children from Nursery to Year 6. All appointments will be face to face appointments in school and these can be made between 5.00pm to 7.30pm on the Monday and from 3.30pm to 5.40pm on the Wednesday. Appointments will be released via Schoolcomms tomorrow. A separate letter has gone out today with further details for you.
We hope you have a relaxing weekend,
Mrs Arnold
Last night our netball team played at Streetly School. The children played extremely well and were a credit to the school. Their behaviour was exceptional and they show the makings of a really good team.
We won one game; one was a draw and the other we lost. Thank you to parents who were very supportive and complimentary of the team. The organiser said he was very impressed and was surprised that this was only their first competition. Well done everyone and well done Jack who was voted player of the match by the other teams!

Last week, a Year 3/4 boys football team participated in a friendly football tournament at Streetly School. We played 4 matches, winning 3 and drawing 1. On Monday, the Year 3/4 girls took part in their friendly football tournament at Streetly. They drew 3 of their games and won 1. The children showed a lot of enthusiasm, enjoyment and represented the school well. This is excellent!


The KS2 discos last week were a real hit! The children thoroughly enjoyed their 'Back to School' celebrations and joined in with each other for a wonderful rendition of Sweet Caroline!
A word from a Year 6 parent - ‘I would like to say thank you to all the staff that made the disco last week happen. [My child] had an amazing time making some shapes on the dance floor!
Phonics Workshops
Over the last 2 weeks we have run Phonics Workshops for parents of Reception and Year 1 children. During these sessions, our staff explained how we teach phonics to your children and parents had the opportunity to take part in some sessions with their children. These were well attended and we thank you all for your contributions. We hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you for supporting our Rags2Riches collection this week with donations of clothing and other items. As well as the donations going on to help others, we also raised over £100 for School Fund which will directly benefit your children.
Easy Peasy App
The EasyPeasy app provides parenting tips and activities, personalised for families with children aged 0-5 years. The app brings together the best ideas, advice, and inspiration from a global community of parents, experts, and your favourite early years brands. Easy Peasy philosophy is evidence-based and simple. Early child development is fuelled by real-world interactions between you and your child.
Families can register for a free account by going to the EasyPeasy website.

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