Summer Term 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to our first Newsletter Blog! I hope this is easier for you to access on any device while still giving you all the information you need.
We celebrated the King's Coronation last week in school and the children all looked lovely in their red, white and blue outfits - we hope you were able to enjoy the extra Bank Holiday!
This week has been busy with our oldest pupils sitting their end of KS2 tests. You may have seen in the media that the papers appear to have been quite challenging this year, but we know all children have tried their very best and you would have been very proud of them. I can assure you that our breakfast club, our relaxation sessions and the support from staff have all led to a smooth and supportive environment for the children, with their wellbeing our top priority.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Arnold
King's Coronation
Across the school last Friday, children were a sea of red, white and blue. Our Coronation flag flew high above the school as the children took part in lots of art and craft activities to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III.
Year 4 Residential
Year 4 took part in their residential visit to Whitemoor Lakes last week. They took part in activities including canoeing, abseiling, the zip wire and a camp fire.
They helped one another, encouraged one another and behaviour and attitudes were exemplary. Well done Year 4!
Thank you for all your efforts in parking safely around the site - particularly Raeburn Road. This is making a big difference to congestion and ultimately the safety of the children. Please continue to keep the yellow zig zag areas free.
Class of the Week
Each week staff choose a 'Class of the Week' for KS1 and KS2. This is based on behaviour and attitudes and awarded to classes that have demonstrated our 3 R's throughout the week - Respect, Responsibility and Readiness to Learn. Well done this week to...3JC and 2RN who have each had some additional outdoor time.
Dates for your diary
Monday 15 May:
Y6 Photographs (Y6 in Winter uniform please) Y2 SATs Week Walk to School Week Mental Health Awareness Week
Tuesday 16 May:
1:45pm - Y4 Production Y3 Trip to Dudley Zoo Timezones in for Y6 - Tudors
Wednesday 17 May
6:30pm - Y4 Production
Tuesday 23 May
Rags2Riches collection
Thursday 25 May
Y2 Trip to Tamworth Castle
Friday 26 May
School closes for Whitsun
Whitsun Break
Monday 29 May – Friday 2 June 2023
Our Term dates for 2023/24 can be find below: