Sports Days have gone ahead this week for all year groups - from our youngest in Nursery to our oldest in Year 6. Although we were blessed with some typical British weather - especially today! It is always wonderful to see all our children showing their competitive spirit whilst at the same time supporting and encouraging each other. Thank you to Mrs Page and our KS2 Dance Club who performed at each of the events.

A huge thank you to our Year 6 Young Leaders who helped with the organisation and supported the younger children - they did an excellent job! So did our Y4 'stand in' Young Leaders for the Y5/6 Sports Day today - thank you!

Children represented their Houses which are either Scott, Boulton, Vesey or Watt and the winners at each of the events were:
Reception/AM Nursery - Scott

PM Nursery - Watt
Year 1/2 - Scott
Year 3/4 - Scott
Year 5/6 - Scott