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Reichstag Building


Subject Leader - Mrs K. Taylor/Frau S. Zogaj
Curriculum Intent

Our Modern Foreign Languages curriculum is designed with the intent that all children will become competent linguists, inquisitive about how language is formed and its origins. We intend to inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. We aim to equip pupils with the knowledge to respond to spoken and written language, to speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity and to discover and develop an appreciation for other languages.  


As pupils progress, their growing knowledge of familiar phrases will deepen in order to enable our children to speak with good pronunciation and intonation by the time the children reach Year 6. It is important to us that the children also have an understanding of the social and culture aspect of Modern Foreign Languages appreciating where words and traditions have come from. It is our goal that children will develop a love for Modern Foreign Languages as a result of the learning experiences they’re provided with in the classroom and by engaging with cross curricular links and interaction with schools in Germany and Spain.


To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in Modern Foreign Languages, we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. We ensure that Modern Foreign Languages has the same importance given to it as the core subjects, as we feel this is important in enabling all children to gain ‘real-life’ experiences. 


Modern Foreign Languages is taught on a weekly basis to all children from Year 2 upwards, focusing on knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum.  


Our German Teacher plans a sequence of lessons using our curriculum coverage and progression of knowledge and skills documents. These ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum objectives and a logical progression in the knowledge and skills taught year upon year.  


Some children may require extra support in the classroom and opportunities for consolidation and reinforcement. Activities within Modern Foreign Language lessons will be differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils. Children’s deeper thinking will be evaluated using open-ended questions and they will be encouraged to explore language and apply skills independently. 


Our Modern Foreign Languages curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils’ knowledge and skills of German is embedded throughout their time at our school. The progression of knowledge and skills document provides clear expectations for pupils at each stage of their learning, which enables our German Teacher to provide appropriate learning opportunities at the correct stage in their journey through our school.  


The impact of our Modern Foreign Language curriculum will be measured through teacher assessment, school leader monitoring and subject leader monitoring. Outcomes in German books will evidence a broad and balanced curriculum that demonstrates the children’s key skills and knowledge.  


Our German Teacher will assess children’s learning at the beginning and throughout each Modern Foreign Language lesson with questioning and discussion. The children will also recap on prior learning at the beginning of each lesson. Following the lesson, the teacher will informally assess children’s understanding during marking of books, providing verbal or written feedback individually or as a group/class. Teachers will use these assessments to inform and adapt their planning of further Modern Foreign Language knowledge and skills and to address any misconceptions. 


Children’s attainment will be considered and recorded termly to identify whether they are working below, at or above the expected level. Our German Teacher will use a range of sources such Modern Foreign Language books, questioning, marking and planning when making these judgements. There will also be opportunities for moderation sessions across the school and the Trust to ensure accuracy of these judgements. At the end of each academic year, these assessments will be passed on to the following year group’s staff to ensure that future planning of learning opportunities is pitched appropriately.  

Progression of Knowledge and skills

Phonics Taught Order

If I work hard in MFL, I could become...


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