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Art Class

Art & Design


Subject Leader - Mrs K. Price
"If there was no art in this world there would be nothing because everything is art.”
Year 3 Child
Curriculum Intent

Our Art and Design curriculum is designed with the intent that all pupils will become expressive, confident artists. During their time at Pheasey Park Farm and Early Years Centre, pupils will acquire the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art and design in a wide range of media, which will allow them the opportunity to express themselves.  

Our curriculum is designed in a way that engages, inspires and challenges pupils by equipping them with the knowledge and skills in drawing, painting, sculpture, collage, textiles and photography.  

As pupils develop their knowledge and skills in art, they will be able to become independent thinkers; confident in evaluating the creative work of others, including that of artists, craftspeople and designers.  It is important to us that our children develop a deeper understanding of the ways in which art has shaped our history and culture and the way in which it has contributed to historical societies and the way in which it contributes to our nation and to other parts of the world. 


To ensure high standards of teaching and learning in Art and Design, we implement a curriculum that is progressive and sequenced throughout the whole school. Art and Design is taught discreetly in half- termly units, focussing on knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum. Art and Design is also taught through History and Geography units where necessary. These units ensure full coverage of the National Curriculum objectives and a logical progression in the knowledge and skills taught year upon year. They also allow teachers to re-visit knowledge and skills taught in previous year groups to assess pupil’s understanding before moving on. This enables pupils the opportunity to build upon prior learning and to develop their knowledge and skills in a wide range of medias covered across the whole school curriculum. 

Some pupils may require extra support in the classroom and the opportunities for consolidation and reinforcement will help them achieve and give them the opportunity to build upon what they already acquire. Activities within Art and Design lessons will be differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils. Pupil’s deeper thinking will be evaluated using open-ended questions and pupil’s will be encouraged to independently apply newly learnt skills in a range of contexts.


Our Art curriculum is designed to ensure that pupils’ knowledge and skills are embedded throughout their time at our school. Art, craft and design embodies some of the highest forms of human creativity and develops pupil’s cultural capital. A high-quality Art and Design education engages, inspires and challenges pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. The pupil learn how to problem solve and become resilient learners. As pupil progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of Art and Design. The progression of knowledge and skills document provides clear targets for pupils at each stage of their learning which enables teachers to provide learning opportunities at the appropriate level. 

The impact of our Art and Design curriculum will be measured through teacher assessment, school leader monitoring and subject leader monitoring. Skills work in sketch books and final pieces of Art and Design work will evidence a broad and balanced Art and Design curriculum and demonstrate children’s acquisition of identified key knowledge and skills.  

Teachers will assess pupil’s learning at the beginning and throughout each Art and Design lesson through skills developed in sketch books and whole class questioning and discussion. Following the lesson, teachers will informally assess pupil’s understanding of knowledge and skills. Teachers will use these assessments to inform and adapt their planning of further Art and Design lessons and to address any misconceptions. 

Pupil’s attainment will be monitored and reflected upon at the end of every lesson. Teachers will use a range of sources such as Art and Design sketchbooks, final Art and Design pieces of work, questioning, marking and planning when making these judgements. 

As pupils progress throughout the school, they will deepen their understanding of artists and art movements through history. Pupils will be given the opportunity to implement the skills learnt through artists and art movements into their own work. This will equip pupils with the skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready secondary education, for life as an adult in the wider world and for a range of future careers in art, design and craft.  

Progression of Knowledge and skills

Art & Design Policy

Subject Narrative

If I work hard in Art and Design, I could become...


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