Year 3
Mrs Begum - 3LB Class teacher and Phase Leader
Miss Hollick - 3CH Class teacher and Year Leader
Mr Rosser - 3DR Class teacher
Mrs Green - Year 3 Teaching Assistant
Welcome to our Year 3 page for all our News and information
Welcome to the Year 3 page where you can find all the news and information specific to our year group. Staff working in Year 3 are Miss Hollick, Mrs Begum, Mr Rosser, Mrs Fereday and Mrs Green.
We have lots of exciting topics to cover this year with many opportunities for practical and collaborative learning. Our new Mastery Maths approach shows how the use of practical resources can help us with our Maths learning and we are using this knowledge to solve problems. All the topics chosen deliver the programmes of study for the National Curriculum and allow the children to make connections between areas of learning and consolidate skills. We have several memorable experiences throughout the year, such as making volcanoes, making a moving toy, baking bread and a visit to Dudley Zoo.
For more details about our learning this term, please see the Curriculum Overview/Information within the Curriculum tab.
Children in Year 3 receive regular homework, which is announced on the Year 3 Learning Platform pages. Weekly spellings will be published along with the homework on a Thursday and tested on the following Tuesday. Please practise reading with your child regularly and log these sessions on Boom Reader. Remember your child needs to complete book reviews in order to earn additional gems for customising their avatar.
Please can we remind parents that no jewellery should be worn in school with the exception of stud earrings, and in line with Health and Safety guidelines these should not be worn on PE/swimming days. Children will be asked to remove earrings before PE sessions. PE kit is navy shorts, white t-shirt and black pumps, however, in colder weather, your child may choose to wear a navy tracksuit and trainers for outside games, which is acceptable. Please ensure that children have the correct PE kit in school at all times.
Year 3 PE sessions are:
Outdoor Games – Monday
Indoor PE – Wednesday
Swimming - Friday
Children need to bring a water bottle to school, which they have access to throughout the day. Tuck can be purchased through the school payment system and this will be sent up to the classrooms at break time. Alternatively, children can bring their own healthy snack to school for morning break. Please note that no free fruit is provided now your child is in Key Stage 2.
Just a reminder that children in Key Stage 2 do not receive universal free school meals. If you are eligible for means-tested free school meals, this will continue but any other children wishing to have a school meal will need to pay £2.40 a day via SchoolComms If you think you are eligible for free school meals, please contact the school office and we can check for you.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher, who will usually be available at the end of each day. We anticipate a busy and exciting year, and we thank you in anticipation of your continued support.
Miss Hollick Mrs Begum Mr Rosser Mrs Green
3CH 3LB 3DR Teaching Assistant
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